Friday, June 30, 2006


"Freshness trembles beneath the surface of everyday, a joy perpetual to all who catch its opal lights beneath the dust of habit." --Freya Stark--

I have been thinking a lot lately about what kindness means. I hear myself telling my children to "be nice" to one another. I have been walking through my days the past couple of weeks working so hard to be mindful of cultivating a sense of Lovingkindness...not only for the people around me, but for myself (especially difficult). I'm mining the patterns of my life as it is right now with all of its delicious and frightening uncertainty, rather than aspiring to what could be or should be.

Then, in true synchronicity...the Thursday prompt for the week was about celebrating poetry in the everyday. This is my quest right now--but, even beyond poetry--it is celebrating life in the everyday and trying to live it with as wide open a heart as I can bear to--without the fear. This isn't easy. But, just when I doubt myself again--the Universe will offer up another dose of unexpected kindness and support. This time thanks to an incredibly talented photographer and creativewoman, Tracey, whose lovely "Mother May I" has been one of my recent favorites. Tracey decided that my post about Rosie's bookcastles deserved a Perfect Post award, and she nominated me for it and wrote about my post on her blog for ClubMom, "Picture This".

A Perfect Post

It was a surprise and an honor to have my writing noticed...and I wanted to thank her for it. Tracey has published two books with amazing photographs for expectant and new mothers alike. These peaceful images of pregnant women and infants are so important in a world where all too often we're bombarded with ones of bloodshed and disaster. When I wrote about Rosie and the emptied bookcase, I was trying to remind myself of these deeper themes of acceptance and perspective. I know she won't remember that afternoon with me, but I will...for once, I opened up to what was instead of revising the moment for what I thought it ought to be. If I learn no other lesson in life but this one, I will be satisfied.

Gratitude for Tracey's kindness--and for ALL of you, both near and far (you know who you are) who support me in my process of living, growing, and writing it all have my thanks.


Blogger tracey clark said...

Your post gave me goose-bumps, yet again. You express everything with such eloquence, grace and mindfulness. You are a breath of fresh air. I can't help but notice and then shout it from the rooftops. It is my hope that others find you through the award. How lucky they wil be.

Thanks for your kinds words as well. Coming from you, I consider the praise that much more validating.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Kim G. said...

"I opened up to what was instead of revising the moment for what I thought it ought to be. If I learn no other lesson in life but this one, I will be satisfied."

Loved these words. They should be tatooed on hearts when we bring little ones into this wild world and especially into this obsessive culture. Thanks for sharing where you are in the journey and congrats on the recognition of that post - it was a great one!

9:51 PM  
Blogger Deirdre said...

Kindness seems to be a theme for me this week. This is the third time in two days that I've read or heard and commented on kindness. It helps balance out the less lovely aspects of life and keeps me from becoming cynical and bitter. You are a treasure, Delia, and I'm so glad to have found you and your words.

12:16 AM  
Blogger Amber said...

Your writing should be honored. You are so, so good! Congratulations! And I remember that post. It was wonderful.


12:36 AM  
Blogger Colorsonmymind said...

much enjoy your writing....and being

2:56 AM  
Blogger Susannah Conway said...

A very well deserved award! and such a wonderful affirmation that your words touch others... and they really do... me in particular :-). i treasure our friendship... love to you sweet pea

5:04 AM  
Blogger paris parfait said...

Congrats! Really lovely post. Your writing is always good and we all appreciate you and your talent!

9:02 AM  
Blogger claireylove said...

Yeah for your award! Your writing is such a rare treat, it's great for you to receive this in return. Tracey clearly has discerning taste!

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, well deserved and so much more. Rosies books needs to be published! I will never forget that one.

9:22 AM  

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