Hi, my name is Delia and I am now obsessed with bathroom self-portraits to the point where even when little old ladies at country club weddings are staring curiously at me just beyond the edge of the camera lens as I shoot frame after frame of myself trying to get the angle I want, I smile at them like it is the most natural thing in the world and just keep going. Why this matters is that a little over a year ago, I was the girl hiding her face behind her hands and screaming, "Oh, don't take my picture!" whenever a camera made an appearance. Something about fixing my image permanently always made me concentrate more intently on the imperfections and shadows of my physical self to the point where I couldn't see anything else. Frequent self-portraiture has given me a certain level of familiarity with my face and body and now I notice the ways I resemble my parents and my children make the same facial expressions I do...that the genetic expressions of my ancestry and my progeny give me both roots in family history and a glimpse at the generations yet to be. Snapping photos at a wedding yesterday and asking myself: "Will you be willing to own the lasting picture of yourself which you are daily painting by your thoughts and deeds? Will you be ready to own the self- portrait created by your life?" {O.Hyde}

Hi, my name is Delia and I am now obsessed with bathroom self-portraits to the point where even when little old ladies at country club weddings are staring curiously at me just beyond the edge of the camera lens as I shoot frame after frame of myself trying to get the angle I want, I smile at them like it is the most natural thing in the world and just keep going. Why this matters is that a little over a year ago, I was the girl hiding her face behind her hands and screaming, "Oh, don't take my picture!" whenever a camera made an appearance. Something about fixing my image permanently always made me concentrate more intently on the imperfections and shadows of my physical self to the point where I couldn't see anything else. Frequent self-portraiture has given me a certain level of familiarity with my face and body and now I notice the ways I resemble my parents and my children make the same facial expressions I do...that the genetic expressions of my ancestry and my progeny give me both roots in family history and a glimpse at the generations yet to be. Snapping photos at a wedding yesterday and asking myself: "Will you be willing to own the lasting picture of yourself which you are daily painting by your thoughts and deeds? Will you be ready to own the self- portrait created by your life?" {O.Hyde}
Tha is a wonderful change - I am finally ready to see my mothers face in mine and not cringe. That sounds much worse than it should.
Anyway - I love that you are looking yourself in the eyes and enjoying what you see.
fantastic honey. i love that you are able to accept your image and find the beauty that we all see. i love your dress and i too, am obsessed with bathroom portraits. xo
i love everything about this post...and all that you are discovering through taking photos of you.
beautiful photo...
great use of the mirrors, looking into the future, yet showing us your back to let us know that you haven't forgotten your past.
great quote...
you are beautiful
you look stunning!
the photo is great... and may I say I share your obsession :)
Love it, brilliant, what a fun foto-fetish ;~) Thank YOU!
I enlarged this so I could see more. Fab dress. and I love the new hair. Sometimes the rewards of blogging are subtle.
That dress looks HOT. And now I need to cut my hair a little shorter. I love it. It shows off your back and sholders. Very sexy.
You look AWESOME...and as someone who is currently so displeased with how she looks, this post makes me think the way to get through that is to really SEE. So thank you for that. :)
i love your dress! little old ladies staring at you curiously brings to mind a cute bathroom scenario. maybe they want your dress too! =)
you've got a sexy back, honey :)
Beautiful you. You made me giggle.
I like the repetive reflection in this photo...very cool!
I love this. I felt the same way when i started spc (taking a break--i got sick of myself), and it is nice to not be so afraid of a camera. Interesting what you can learn about yourself from taking pictures of yourself. You said it much better...
excellent composition - it was SO worth all that time (even if it did garner you a few odd looks)
Great image! I hate being photographed. Maybe I should take your tip..
Great idea to get you on the road to self-acceptance. The composition is brilliant and the pink/tan bath combined with your b/w image provides wonderful contrast.
You know - I will just quote Ani Di Franco and say ...
"I have the kind of beauty that moves"
As my argument for not getting my picture taken. Just can't do it! I only ever cringe!
It takes courage to really look at ourselves. Delightful project.This is simultaneously moving and introspective plus, as a professional photographer who MUCH prefers to photograph anything but myself, oh how I can relate!
It is hard to look at the older self and find that instead of being the I, we are transmorphing into the they - not that that's bad but,... This post is well done, intriquing and provocative.
i love it! the lines are so straight, leading to your graceful back. perfect composition. and i am finding so much joy in SPC as well, i think i'm learning to finally like the woman i see in the mirror. it's sometimes the same woman that everyone else sees and sometimes it's not...
Wonderful picture, especially the story behind it. I am working up the nerve to begin the SPC adventure. So many mixed feelings about self-image - but I want to be visible in that life portrait I am still in the midst of creating!
What you share here in you corner of the blog world has so often been an inspiration. Thank you.
this is such a sexy portrait - oh my, honey, your back is speakign volumes :-) i've been thinking of you xx
These sweet, sweet comments have made every single curious glance worthwhile! Thank you for each one...
you are so beautiful and it makes me smile that you have embraced your image :)
i started doing self portraits a year ago and in the process stopped making funny faces at myself in the mirror and started smiling gently at me. beautiful you!! xox
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