(or, how knitting is like writing)
"Hearing the unsaid
Thoughts woven between stitches
The heart knows it all"
--Maria Fire--

Posting this just to remind my CAN finish what you start. In this case, a knitted and felted bag...even when you had no idea what you were doing (knitting in the round). Lined with a delicate floral fabric...learning the skills to finish (sewing for the first time). No matter how long it takes...this is my sister's holiday present--from LAST Christmas.
*Felted bag with handles: knit by yours truly from November 2006 to September 2007
*Times put down and forgotten: at least 12
*Months not touched at all: at least five
*Projects started (and possibly completed) in the interim: six
*Times I declared it an utter failure: at least 158
Which reminds me just a little bit of my novel...
*Written: from April 2005 until now (the end so close, I can taste it)
*Times put down and forgotten: three
*Months not touched at all: at least eight
*Projects started (and possibly completed) in the interim: dozens and dozens (and dozens) of poems, thirty+ essays, more journal entries than is probably healthy, short stories...nineteen, other novels? "just" one (title: The Glass Saint Journals).
*Times I declared it an utter failure: countless
Now that I have held that bag in my hands and am ready to give it to my beautiful sister over the weekend, I feel like the completion of the book is absolutely within my grasp. Stitch by stitch, row by row...word by word, chapter by chapter...I am knitting myself and my creativity back together again.
(or, how knitting is like writing)
"Hearing the unsaid
Thoughts woven between stitches
The heart knows it all"
--Maria Fire--

Posting this just to remind my CAN finish what you start. In this case, a knitted and felted bag...even when you had no idea what you were doing (knitting in the round). Lined with a delicate floral fabric...learning the skills to finish (sewing for the first time). No matter how long it takes...this is my sister's holiday present--from LAST Christmas.
*Felted bag with handles: knit by yours truly from November 2006 to September 2007
*Times put down and forgotten: at least 12
*Months not touched at all: at least five
*Projects started (and possibly completed) in the interim: six
*Times I declared it an utter failure: at least 158
Which reminds me just a little bit of my novel...
*Written: from April 2005 until now (the end so close, I can taste it)
*Times put down and forgotten: three
*Months not touched at all: at least eight
*Projects started (and possibly completed) in the interim: dozens and dozens (and dozens) of poems, thirty+ essays, more journal entries than is probably healthy, short stories...nineteen, other novels? "just" one (title: The Glass Saint Journals).
*Times I declared it an utter failure: countless
Now that I have held that bag in my hands and am ready to give it to my beautiful sister over the weekend, I feel like the completion of the book is absolutely within my grasp. Stitch by stitch, row by row...word by word, chapter by chapter...I am knitting myself and my creativity back together again.
How encouraging honey. I love the photos - the last one of you jauntily walking up the stairs, your cute, sassy bag in hand...your sister will love this treat. Have a great weekend - thinking of you. xo
Nice...don't you love the way getting something actually finished gives you a push to do more? Great bag too. Your sister, I'm sure, will love it.
Beautiful result. Reminds me of the wool scarf I bought and tried to shrink in for a purse. I tried twice and need to try one more time. Thanks for the inspiration!
Peace giggles
beautiful bag, and great comparison -- I really believe that "completion" is habit-forming, and the successes we have in one area of our lives affect the others. For me, the year I finally finished Blackbringer was also the year I made my years-long weight-loss goal. Both things together made me feel invincible! (If only now I could figure out how to finish THIS book!)
-Laini :-)
You. Are. Talking. To. ME.
Thank you for reminding me that even a real writer goes through doubt.
The bag is WONDERFUL! Lovely!
What a beautiful bag! And your message is so useful. What a great perspective! Thanks for this.
Such a wonderful analogy! I, sadly, am very unskilled in the craft category, and have left many projects unfinished. I'm glad you finished that great bag, and are now on to finish the novel!
acumamakiki: she did love it...I was so happy to have finally finished it!
georgia: you certainly know about creating gorgeous things, don't you?
deirdre: I do feel that push now, more than I have in ages.
giggles: the felting process went well for me...I had anticipated much more work from all that I'd read about doing it. Good Luck.
Laini: "completion is habit forming", oh let's hope so!
amber: by the way, you are a "real" writer--in case you didn't notice this already.
greenishlady: thank you!
becca: I need to tell you, I am one of the least crafty souls alive. Seriously. I think knitting has saved any craft-creativity I may ever have had left in me!
There is something amazingly gratifying about finishing a project. Great photos.
Wow! Kudos to you, D.! It's gorgeous! There is something to be said for that exalted feeling of accomplishment- it gets you excited about the next project!
It reminds me of what I have left sitting for far too long! Thanks for the inspiration!
That was so very well said. I like the outcome. It gives us so much after a product we createis finished. So much like writing.
That was a beauty.
Oh, oh, OH...thank you! I could only WISH to be as prolific as you are (and I think I have mentioned how wonderful I think your writing is...every single thing you say resonates deeply with me.
wow, you wrote exactly what I was thinking sitting here knitting little moss-green squares to sew together for a blanket. I love knitting for the same reason - its an opportunity to complete something - but have to choose easy projects like baby clothes and scarves so that I am not overwhelmed from the outset. The same with writing. A stitch, a word, a square, a page.. a blanket, a book...
That is just beautiful!
And its funny the perspective/ comparision. You are definitely into things for the longhaul - even if you feel dejected
Talk about perseverence.
Again beautiful!
Your tally is very like mine, except without the knitting.
finding the connections is a wonderful thing. they are all around us. sometimes those "other projects" aren't really anything but practice and stepping stones.
It's so encouraging to see the finished product of anything we do. Keep going with the novel. You'll be done before you know it.
I love this list-y commentary. The counting of stops and starts, giving up, picking up, another stitch, another word. Wonderfully inspiring! And an absolutely charming bag!
I'm so glad you hosted poetry thursday this week or I might have never found you. I love this purse and even more, I love the writing that accompanied it. I think I have an idea for a crocheting project now that wasn't going anywhere. Thanks.
Hot bag! As the procrastinator that I am finishing things can be hard for me.I recently started learning to knit and am dying to try felting. Thanks for the inspiration to keep going in both writing and knitting.
gorgeous gorgeous bag :) ~ and an ecouraging post to someone who has started many projects and finished few ... i have hope ... xoxo
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